Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Family Christmas 2011...

In an impromptu family Christmas we still all got to be together.

happy holidays...

The Weimer-Coppock cards are out for the holiday season. Deck the balls.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

of what remains...

Few creations are more beautiful than the skeletal structure of a once living being. A microscopic egg within a mother, hold the blueprint that will become another living creature. She breaks down the foods that she eats into their simplest of molecular structures and sends it via the body's blood to her creation. Molecule by molecule the life is constructed. Once her creation has formed to fit the outside world, it departs. They are then two organisms sustained by the same mouth.
The creation grows and walks its own paths. Eventually, the very same breath of life that was breathed into its growing body will exhale and exit the body. The molecules that the animal had been sustaining for its lively hood will decompose and disperse, eventually making it back to clay of the Earth be it via another animal or directly from its location of exuent omnes. Only for another mother to reconfigure molecules the same and start the cycle again.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

web management...

Everpoor.com gets a new look! Cheers for the future!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Japanese Gardens...

I find tranquility and being within the arts of Japanese. From ukiyo-e prints to the gardens that surround. Truly masters of ambiance. One of my favorite spots to sit and ponder lies with Portland's Japanese Gardens. A minute's worth picture could never do justice in the representation of the sounds, smells and thoughts that arise as a living place that has been recycling its self for many years. There is so much observe by just watching.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Flashlight Photography...

Had my first go at lighting a still life with a flashlight. Once I get the hang of this I think that very intricately contoured subjects will have dazzling effects. This particular shot was with an RZ67 cropped down to 6x6 with Ilford 50 film and lit with a ten million candle power flashlight.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Light World Premier...

The Light's world premier will be Thursday, June 16th at 7pm-10pm at The Hollywood Theatre in Portland. All of A.I. of Portland's final year students will have their movies presented. Set the date and don't miss out. These talented kids are sure to put on a show. Photo by Kimberly Warner.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Just started using the newly acquired extension tubes for my RZ67. When combined with the 50mm, the lens has to be touching the subject for it to be in focus! With so many flowers opening, the macro shots will be endless. Now to make room for some free time.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Light...

Josh Dion: the amazingly creative filmmaker has been unleashed. This spring he has shot the scenes for his upcoming short film 'The Light'. Combined with a genuinely gifted cast throughout, The Light is a beautifully shot story of a young child with a problematic leg who is sent to deliver a letter for his sickly mother. Haunted by folklorish creatures, the young boy must conquer the stories and persevere through the woods to deliver the note. Now in post-production, this film should be a promising piece of vision from a promising filmmaker. The official website can be found at www.thelightshortfilm.com/#_

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Utopia Wine...

As of recently everpoor photography has been hired to shoot photographs for Utopia Wines. The new site for Utopia is well underway and some our photos have been put on display. Take a look at what's showing at www.UtopiaWine.com and buy a bottle. You won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Paradigm shift spots...

I get lonely in the city sometimes. I get a little down and out. Every now and then as I'm making my way through the infrastructure of the city my thought process gets swept to a new position. I suddenly view the things around me from a different time or from a surreal vantage. Take this house for instance, my guess is that it is at least eighty years old. The thought of how the space looked when this structure was constructed comes to mind. I think of how many full moons have passed by it, like this one. The molecules that were taken from the Earth to make a tree, that very tree planed into boards and reassembled as a house. The decay of those boards as the earth takes back what it once gave, and a sole individual pondering how it all came to be and where it will go. It feels good to know that we are made of the same stuff as the stars.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the smell of a petal...

It is a wonderful day when I can apply my patience and attention toward such beautiful creatures as these. They talk to me with their beauty.