Thursday, December 23, 2010


The fine subtle hints of meticulously crafted tastes and smells swirl over my tongue and through my nostrils. The molecular compounds of vanilla, roses, ripe pears and chocolate vibrate my taste buds like a bell and send wondrous messages to my brain's receptors. Fireworks of electrical impulses fill my core as my eyes flutter and visions of Bacchus' age of crafts acts as a muse once again. Forget about politics, if even for just a moment.

Monday, December 6, 2010

corvus corax...

There is something strange about a murder of crows. They are like the pirates of the air. Cunning characters always flying in numbers never to stray too long. They have no insignia, no morals, and a distinguishable language, you know when they are coming.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


In all the world very few things are as beautiful as a full flower in bloom waiting for the winds and insects to consummate its lovemaking with another nearby bloom. Many flowers tell a humble bee to land on it by means of infrared markings. Orchids mimic an insect in full by having its bloom resemble a worthy mate of its own species. Plants, especially those that bloom, have far surpassed so many other life forms with their inter-genus love dance and empathy. And humans, oh how our senses tingle with the mere symbol of a flower. If only they could sing.