Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lulu at the driveways bend...

I am sorry to have missed all the people I did when I went back to Wisconsin, but, I can blame it on one sole factor.... Lulu... This little girl is quite amazing. I got to meet her just before her 3rd birthday, which I helped her celebrate. She is up at dawn and out well after the sun goes past the horizon. She has a friend, Robin, who flies wherever she goes. Robin is a superhero of sorts as he can fly, but he often forgets things, such as his backpack, which he has to go back and get quite often. He needs his backpack. At her dance recital she is the littlest one. But she is the easiest to spot because she has the biggest smile. Between times of disaster, as things often are to her, and taking photos of tongues sticking out, well, there just isn't that much time. This is where I used to play.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


My dog, Aurie, reluctantly lives with a cat. You see, he is deathly afraid of them. He tells me that they are shape-shifters... witches of the worst kind. There is no such thing as a domestic cat, he says. They are all just witches living on the sly. Therefore he keeps his distance. Any person wise enough to stay away from witchcraft and spells will live a much more genuine and predictable life. I can attest to one thing... I have never known Aurie to lie.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

remember roses...

The seemingly complicated process of a rose provides such a simple product. The repetitive flow and size makes the eye scan again and again. Yet, the strong and defined plan that it upholds produces such a soft and susceptible plant. A point of origin flows vigorously to the end of its world. Why can such a simple sample of the biological world hold so much for all senses. How privileged we are to be human and share our remembrances.